Thursday, May 27, 2010

May... you flew by. Must accomplish more next month.

You'll never know how wild my life is right now. Baking hasn't been too much of a possibility for me since my post on April 19th.  I spoke about things being on a role... and then.. life makes you realize that sometimes you shouldn't get so comfortable. I've been working with a girl from work and coming up with a few sketches for a wedding cake I am making for June 5th.

Otherwise I have been dealing with some big bumps in the road and trying to stay on track. I'm in the middle of moving and have been in-between homes the past month, so I haven't really had a kitchen to do as much baking as I would have liked. I have however, made a few things at my guy friends house and my parents. I baked a nice big cheesecake for mothers day that seemed to be the biggest hit with a group of 10-15 people. They all wanted to take extra home and one said they never really liked cheesecake before but they thought mine was AMAZING and wanted to save some in the fridge. I also made my mom gingersnap cookies with crystalized ginger chips that turned out well, some Double Chocolate Cookies with Ghirardelli chocolate, and some mini cheesecakes. The mini cheesecakes need to be perfected. I was excited to get a mini cheesecake pan from Ace Hardware.. but my cheesecakes weren't perfect looking. I threw random fillings in each one and some didn't quite turn out. Then they just got dried and I threw most of them away. oops. next time they'll be good and pretty! I got some rectangle plastic plates that will fit two of them perfectly. And I got some pretty paper baking cups that they would look nice sitting on. YEAH! I suppose I feel like I haven't been baking enough and I feel like for once in my life, I can hardly focus on baking. But at the same time.. If I had the kitchen to do it in and all my baking supplies right in front of me... there would be SO much cheesecake, cookies, cake and other goods ALL OVER THE PLACE. counters would be covered. people would be showered with baked goods at their home. I feel like I haven't done much, but looking back.. I still have done a bit. That cheesecake being a BIG BIG hit. . Says a lot. I suppose May wasn't too terrible. Things are looking up.

I have a sweet idea for inspirational messages to go with my baked goods. Also, I want to design cute boxes for cheesecake slices ....