Sunday, August 18, 2013

Quick Crafting, for my Niece.

Random Bakes of Kindness

On a mission to always bake for kindness and joy. On a mission for Random Bakes of Kindness day to day. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in work and miss the meaning. To get so wrapped in what one should do, that it is important to not forget what such work can do for others, rather than it be something more selfish. It is my hope to never forget why I bake and what I hope others get from it. The small joys that simple pleasure may bring – like folding butter into dough and gently rolling out the dough – bringing comfort and small moments of peace.. even if it only lasts about 2-5 minutes, is something that is cherished throughout the day and week. From rolling dough to blending butter into a flour mixture to make a crust, to layering cake, to making chocolate curls, to putting together Tortes and any fine detail... these are all moments of Pleasure. And it is to not be forgotten that the joy I get from baking, like any artist, I want others to feel that same joy when they have such a pastry. It is my goal to create pieces of perfection that really wow someone. WHY? Not for attention or to know that I created something great, not to become something bigger or greater.. but to wow other people in order to make their day just a LITTLE bit more bright. Or to help add to THEIR simple pleasures throughout the day.

" I have a card stuck on my refrigerator that shows a woman standing in reverence before an open freezer door, saying, "Amazing! Perfect ice cubes again." That's the kind of simple rapture I am talking about. I realize we are not put on this earth to stand around open freezers ranting like idiots about ice cubes. But a good question to ask yourself is this: If perfect ice cubes or an evening sky or an old song on the radio has not made your heart flip-flop lately, why not? What is keeping you from feeling the rapture? I can assure you, you won't find the answer in a lighted room. What stands between you and a full-bodied life can be found only in the shadows."

This past week as my mother came to visit, I realize the time I do not spend with my family. However, life events in my mid twenties gave me the idea that "I CAN DO ANYTHING." If I can get through something crazy and incredibly difficult, why can I not get through anything? Or I told myself that hard times were a reason to really live and to have a purpose. To know that it is possible to do anything one sets their mind to, as long as they work for it. To really push to live harder. But what does living harder mean? I can do anything? Is it really completely following ones dreams? and how does one WORK REALLY HARD, stay busy and want to achieve things for oneself, but not be selfish? How can you work work work, but still devote time to others or not be too busy to take time to care for others? I thought, is this focus on wanting to REALLY live and follow my passion for life really a development of the same conscience that I was faced with from others - That life revolves around them? That they DESERVE something? That there were treated poorly once or maybe many many times, so they have the attitude that they DESERVE well, they deserve the best. Am I becoming selfish like them? Am I becoming the person that wants to work work work, but gives no time to others. Am I becoming the person I dated that wanted me to come hang out, but worked as I sat there? Am I becoming the person that thinks others just get in my way? "Be a person to admire," "Be the person you want to meet." Am I being the person that I want to meet? Completely? These our questions and realizations to remember to not be what I have not liked. Why do any of us really "deserve" anything? How do we succeed in our own dreams and passions, but not be selfish? As much as I believe I am equal to anyone else and want to be treated with respect, I must still give to receive. It is important to stand up for ourselves, but maybe we mustn't think so much about what we deserve.. . but rather continuously give and care. And focus on how to better the world and how to use our own unique Super Powers to do our own little thing to help.

I realize that I often think it is important to make myself happy. But focusing on ones own passion all the time and thinking that it's always a strive to accomplish accomplish accomplish, loses connection with those who matter. So my goal is to always keep a balance between life and passion. To balance people in my life equally with work. To spend much time with family, while also focusing on others in a different way. To know the parts of baking that truely matter the most - the parts of touching others. The part of baking that can really take effect on another's day. Such as a simple pastry or a designed Anniversary Cake that brings tears, joy and memory. Or a really unique fun birthday cake that gives a child a birthday they will ALWAYS remember. I remember my best birthday as a child. What do I remember, that Barbie cake that I always wanted. It went down in my book as the best birthday ever, the only cake I remember, other than the Carrot Cakes I asked for every year :) But that ONE, that one, created memories of friends, my brother Kyle, and a love for Barbie. These reasons are why baking is important - a connection with people, an opportunity to create joy constantly. Not everyone has the opportunity to do that in their work. It is my gift to try my hardest to enjoy my passion, but use it in a way that helps others. If I work constantly and experiment (and enjoy the simple pleasures and WONDER of doing so), I can perfect desserts in order to give people simple pleasures. To give them a moment of thinking "Dang, this is the best Cheesecake I have ever had," giving them peace and warmth. I have a love for chocolate. It is no secret. Chocolate of course can make anything better. That is what desserts can do.  My duty is to help remind others of simple pleasures and moments of bliss. Stress doesn't exist in moments of indulging a smooth, creamy, or flaky pastry.

Of course I always speak of baking bringing others Simple Joy – But it is important to never ever forget this meaning and true purpose behind it all. Oh yeah, I started a random facebook page

"Believe in yourself and believe that you have something to offer this world that nobody else has."


A little extra golden.. but they were still good. Chocolate and Butter Croissants warm for friends! A little at home baking to share and bring joy and comfort to those dearest.

Friday, August 9, 2013