Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spelt Flour - a bit of research

"spelt flour Notes: Spelt flour contains gluten, but it's tolerated by many people with gluten allergies. If making bread with spelt flour, don't knead it for as long as you would a wheat bread--its gluten isn't as durable as that in wheat. Freeze any spelt flour that you're not planning to use right away. Substitutes: kamut flour (like spelt flour, kamut flour is tolerated by most people with wheat allergies and is good for making bread and pasta)" The Cooks Thesaurus
However, Spelt DEFINITELY is not gluten free, so those with celiac probably shouldn't have it. But it may be tolerated by SOME who have a sensitivity to wheat. Erin McKenna claims that Spelt flour seems to be okay for her. Note the following statement..

"Spelt is similar to wheat in appearance. However, spelt has a tougher husk than wheat, which may help protect the nutrients in spelt. Spelt flour has a somewhat nuttier and slightly sweeter flavor than whole wheat flour. Spelt contains more protein than wheat, and the protein in spelt is easier to digest. This means that some people who are allergic to wheat may be able to tolerate spelt. Spelt has gluten, just like wheat, so spelt is not suitable for a gluten-free diet". nutrition.about.com

Spelt has slightly fewer calories than wheat flour and higher in protein. The flour is easy to digest but is lower in fiber than regular wheat.

Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

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