Sunday, October 17, 2010

Choosing Lower Fructose

FRUCTOSE helps the body store calories, found in fruits and honey and other natural sweeteners like molasses, maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, jaggery (unrefined palm sugar), and unrefined cane sugar. These sources also contain trace amounts of minerals and other nutrients. Too much fructose or refined sugar can lead to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or even cancer.  
This is a statement from  Natural Health Magazine from the following article. Which also helps understand the effects of TOO MUCH sugar and how someone can ACTUALLY go about cutting out so much sugar. Also, I've mentioned the book Sugar Blues before, but it is a great great book! 

Obviously, its all better in moderation and sweets occasionally to brighten your day or celebrate events is great. But WHY not more brown rice syrup!!??? Great alternative. One can have more sweets, when choosing wisely.

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