Friday, November 12, 2010

Lime Pie

Well, no stores had Key Limes in when I was determined to make Key Lime Pie. So, I made a pie with just ordinary limes. I was nervous the night before a big event, and have been wanting to make Key Lime Pie for quite some time and since my father was coming to town and LOVES Key Lime Pie... My plan to get my mind off of things and do something that would make me full of joy was to.. BAKE. I also cleaned my kitchen spick and span. The results of my pie = it happened I didn't realize my rack in my oven was up one too high. So my crust darkened a bit too much and it upset me. So then I tried to pick off the dark pieces of graham racker and then added fresh bits of graham cracker/butter mixture ontop. And then poured in my lime mixture, which made all of the loose graham cracker mix in with the pie. And you know me.. I want things to look perfect, so I wasn't too happy. But I just said to heck with it and kept going and enjoying myself anyway. In the end.. it set well and my homemade whipped topping made it look much prettier!  I was told it tasted really really good. People kept asking for more and my parents ate their half of the pie in no time. I made it with eggs though, so I didn't get to try any. Eventhough it wasn't perfect looking and I got a poor picture with plastic wrap on it, the pie still looked tasty and people loved it! Hooray! .. even if it wasn't REALLY Key Lime Pie. All ingredients were organic at least. Now, I know how to next time make this pie perfect looking and I can't wait to use real key limes!!! and... maybe an egg free version!!!?

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