Monday, August 29, 2011

White Russian Cupcakes for a Bachelorette Party!

I made White Russian Cupcakes for my cousins bachelorette Party! (is that how you spell Bachelorette?!) Along with the large cupcakes I made tons of miniature ones. My cousin said "I don't want to do the silly Suck for a Buck or anything like that," .. so I made miniature cupcakes that we put in a big box and took downtown with us! They were a HUGE hit! Telling people at the bars that pretty little cupcakes have vodka and kahlua in them? Of course people went CRAZY! We made some GOOD cash!! I am brilliant! These turned out great. I dumped lots and lots of extra kahlua in. It was a fun night with the ladies! I think some friends and I should pretend every night is bachelorette night and sell cupcakes??!

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