Sunday, September 27, 2009

Inspiration/My goals and desires.

So this lady Ava, is trying to go completely natural/vegan and is starting a new blog completely focused on her new turn in baking . She is starting a new, exciting chapter. Very cool. She inspires me to use better ingredients and experiment more!

In her new blog she posts about Nutella and how it uses ingredients such as Refined Sugar, Palm Oil + Artificial Flavor.
As I went to the Nutella website it is really interesting though... You can watch a Nutella advertisement under the News section and it really focuses on nutrition/health. They say every jar has wholesome quality ingredients : over 50 Hazel Nuts, Skim Milk, Cocoa.. NO ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVES or COLORS. But what about the artificial flavoring and the modified palm oil?? Which I suppose it being manufactured/a processed food, of course they are going to use things such as palm oil. But also, 2 tablespoons of Nutella = 200 calories! WOAH! thats seems steep to me.

Its funny how products claim to be natural and really focus on their good qualities when advertising. Advertising is all about telling a story and telling the consumer what they WANT to hear. Nutella focuses on the healthy side of their product and goes on about putting it on whole wheat toast, etc. etc. .. But people are unaware of the other ingredients Nutella contains. Unless they are actually concerned and read the ingredients of all their foods (which I do for everything I buy from the store and for some reason I feel like people probably think I'm a nut...) But it is good to be aware. It is funny how I am really interested in advertising/marketing and am experienced with it while working in Graphic Design. I think advertising is an amazing and interesting thing and it is interesting how to get into peoples minds and really sell a product. While I love design and finding ways to promote things, I am also disgusted. I feel like a lot of it is a scam in a way, well not really a scam.. but a lot of times its about not telling the WHOLE truth ( I love Seth Godin.) If I someday have my own small business, I want to design all my promotional items and use my Graphic Design skills. However, I want to always be honest and kind. Honesty brings customers and trust. And Honesty and Kindness is a wonderful thing.

Anyway, I'm on a mission. Completely Natural ingredients. I want to experiment more and learn more. I am also interested in vegan and discovering new ways and GOOD baked goods for people with specific diets. With issues of my own (several allergies, which includes me having to avoid eggs, corn, and more), I am determined and continue to experiment with different recipes and alternative ingredients. I want to be able to make baked goods for everyone. Allergy friendly, gluten free goods, low calorie, friendly for diebetics.. and etcetera. I have tasted a variety of these goods on my own, and while coming across several that tasted chalky and bad, I've also come across some that tasted wonderful. It is my goal to better recipes and come up with these alternative methods but make them ACTUALLY taste amazing, so even those not having to have the restricted diet would enjoy them. I recently discovered that a lot of my heartburn/esophagus issues were due to food allergies. As I was extremely shocked at first (being this list of allergies seems quite large), I pouted a bit and thought my dream of baking was taken away from me. I thought, "How can I ever bake again when I can't even taste half of my ingredients??" and "Who in the world is seriously allergic to this many things?" But then it hit me, I am NOT the only person with this problem. My dream isn't taken away from me. This is just giving me a different opportunity and a way to help others. There are SEVERAL individuals out there that have allergies and Celiac disease is becoming more and more of a problem, along with diabetes. And I have the heart and desire to help others with the same problem and come up with solutions.

Someone can be having a terrible day, but then they can sit down and have their favorite baked good - and their day can be completely turned around. I want everyone to be able to have that opportunity. I want everyone to be able to be satisfied with a delicious baked good. I love the idea of simple pleasures. Just because someone has a difficulty (food allergy/intolerance/disease) doesn't mean they should have to avoid wonderful things in life. There are alternatives.

As it is my mission to help others and brighten peoples day.. I also still enjoy baking with eggs and other ingredients. Especially when it comes to cakes and design. I want to continue to experiment with recipes that are diet friendly, but also those for people that don't have to ignore specific ingredients. But no matter what, I am interested in all natural baking and good quality/healthier solutions for all.

I will keep you all updated on my journey as I continue to develop. I am young and desirous and my journey continues! Life is WONDERFUL! :)

1 comment:

  1. I say we put our ideas together and develop some healthy, yet delicious recipes. Then we can start experimenting with different products and figuring out what combinations work. Yesss, you've got me all excited :-)
