Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stevia, a natural healthy sweetener

       I got some sweet new books in the mail. They are very informative. I received a book about Natural and Healthy Sweeteners, and have been reading more about different sweetening alternatives.. such as Stevia - which is a non-toxic shrub. Its leaves are extremely sweet, so little is needed supposably! It is calorie free, non-glycemic (safe for diabetics), doesn't promote tooth decay or yeast overgrowth, and has numerous minerals and antioxidants. AND its suitable for baking!
       It also contains high amounts of minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, cell-protective antioxidant phytochemicals including quercetin, apgenin, luteolin and kaempferol (whatever that means I guess). With out a GI value, it doesn't increase blood sugar levels.
       Powdered stevia and crystallized stevia extracts can be purchased in bulk forms. It can be used to sweeten tea, smoothies, desserts, and etc. It's said that some may not enjoy stevias sweet flavor though.. some describe it as being similar to licorice and having a slight bitter aftertaste. Others adore the taste and can't get enough. It's a very unique and healthy natural sweetener. Sounds very interesting and worth testing and experimenting with. Maybe the right type of dessert/cookie it could add the perfect flavor... ??

I'll continue reading and see what other ingredients I find interesting!

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