Monday, January 25, 2010

Baking for Animals.

Today at work, I started thinking....
What can I do to actually help someone or something. In my head I always think I can help people. But really the truth is I usually can't.. and don't know how. But I was trying to think of how I could REALLY help make a difference. How could I bake and help make a difference? This may be a small difference in the world, but something important... This is what came to my mind..

Lately I've been thinking a lot about my cat I had to give up. I miss him and hope he is in good care. And I've been wanting to volunteer at the Humane Society in town... but I figure with my allergies.. I don't know if I'd be able to stand being in the building too much. However, I'd put up with it anyway, just to be around the animals.

But It popped in my head - I SHOULD HAVE A BAKE SALE!  A bake sale in order to earn money for the Humane Society. To give the animals good quality food, toys, and money for medical check ups, etc. So tomorrow I'm going to go around town and figure a few things out. I'm thinking I may be able to hold it at a place I have some connections.. if only I can draw people in. If I design some posters/flyers maybe I can draw people in. Not sure if I should wait, so I can plan more and do it later on.. or I thought Valentine treats would be a good idea. I'm going to talk with the Humane Society and a facility to possibly use. We'll see... !
This post from a blog I follow is quite helpful towards the subject matter.. How To Put Together A Bake Sale FAST

Also.. Check out ...
Great American Bake Sale

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