Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Art of Puff Pastry

"The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out who you are, seek to determine what you want to be”

Goat Cheese, Pomegranate, Cranberry, Cardamom Puffs

Pear & Ginger Tarts

The cool thing about these pastries is that they are completely egg free. Just brush the Goat Cheese Puffs with some olive oil and sprinkle with Sea Salt after baking!

I want to be creative and to stay true to what I believe in, true to my creative style. I want to be kind. I want to be a person who shares with friends for no special occasion. I want to be a person who treats all people with kindness, even if I don't receive kindness first. A person that ignores those who don't treat me the way I want, but do so gracefully and politely. But know how to stand up also. A person with a compassionate heart, that reaches a hand out to those in need. I want to never stop dreaming.

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