Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear lord, These look amazing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Allergy Friendly Bakery in SD

Well.. Someone beat me to the allergy friendly goods close to home, the Blue Egg Bakery

She doesn't have my design skills though. Also, I research sugar alternatives and have come up with recipes using better alternatives-- that maybe she doesn't know much about that aspect. Seems like she has some good work though and very wonderful idea! Maybe I could collaborate with her for awhile....???? or at least just talk with her. Bring my design skills in and maybe other information.. maybe I can learn from her. I'm interested in what ingredients she uses. She says a lot of her stuff is gluten free, dairy free, and CORN FREE. What does she do for corn free icing?? I definitely need to be using Brown Rice Syrup more often. I've been creating a lot of bars with brown rice syrup at least. Its a nice way to replace Corn Syrup in any recipe. But what about corn free powdered sugar? ..

"Although we are always gluten free, we also cater to all types of food sensitivities/allergies, such as dairy, eggs, corn, food dyes, etc. Please call me if you have a peanut allergy.

After making cakes for several years and then having to switch to gluten-free baking, I have  perfected my gluten free cakes,  and I proudly offer them to you. I do so with a full heart, knowing what you and/or your family goes through on a daily basis. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to celebrate with joy, and to me, that includes a really great cake.

Every time you celebrate, I celebrate with you"

Awesome. Although this makes me kind of sad, I suppose Sioux Falls would never be the place I wanted to do this anyway, but this lady has hit it right on. Although this makes me sad and I'm jealous.. . this is awesome. Amazing plan and purpose ! :) I NEED to email her ASAP or better yet, sit down and buy her a cup off coffee and talk.