Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creating something new verses optimizing

the non-optimized life

I definitely need to get some things together. But in my head.. I want to start fresh. Start something new. In my life that is..

On another note, I've thought about how I should fix my blog, edit posts I've made, better my grammar, focus more on one thing, delete junk... 
I enjoy this short blog post by Seth Godin. Why take time to go back and edit anything. Continue to develop and create myself. More experimenting... How to steps? Packaging design. Packaging design. Great photography. 

"But I also worry that a never-ending cycle of optimization can become a crutch, a place to hide when you really should be confronting the endless unknown, not the banal stair step of incremental optimization. While Yahoo was optimizing their home page in 2001, the guys at Google were inventing something totally new.

That's one reason I resist the temptation to optimize this blog for traffic and yield. I'd rather force myself to improve it by having the guts to write better posts instead."

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