Thursday, July 1, 2010

Goodbye June. Hello July!

I have a cake to make tomorrow night for 15-20 people. A 70th birthday cake with a slot machine drawn on it. Should be fun. But I feel like I have SO much to do, but not enough time. I work till 8pm and then have to make this birthday cake and then I need to pack to head to my parents cabin in the AM! 

Earlier this week I attempted to make Sugar Cookies with my friends and I's favorite bar logo on them. The plan was to make perfect looking cookies with the logos in icing .. and I wanted to barter cookies for pitchers of beer! The owner said it was cool. I made the cookies which turned out nice and soft and put a base coat of icing on. Perfectly filled circles of icing... And then I was to add the detail ontop of each one. But ... I had too much on my mind unfortunately and I just decided it was too much. It was just for fun anyway. At least I spent time to make them perfect up to a point. Maybe I'll retry my plan when things seem to settle down. 
I miss my old apartment. My weird pink nicnacs and randomness. And lack of furniture and too much bare wall. I miss having my OWN kitchen eventhough it was teeny tiny. My letterpress cupcake poster. And my art room, that I rarely could sit in.. (instead I took over my coffee table in the living room or was in the kitchen) but it was full of fabric and things and looked groovy. I miss my bedroom with my framed wizard of oz random picture print offs. BAH. I miss my garage. and wish I had it to put my scroll saw in. That was the plan. It never happened. 
......Some day.

I don't miss my jeep.

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