Monday, January 26, 2009

Guitar Cake

I made a guitar cake for a few friends birthday. Things didn't end up as perfect as I wanted. I would have liked to spend more time making things perfect and putting in more detail, but I ran out of time and was rushing. I seemed to forget all about putting on the frets!! oops! This is the first time really piecing a cake together with many parts. The cake isn't nearly perfect, but I'm enjoying trying to get to that stage. However, the cake was quite a hit and tasted yummy! 

I create these cakes in my tiny little studio apartment downtown. Which is alright, however, having a bigger freezer would be AMAZING! I froze this cake over night and then pieced it together the following day. After putting a thin layer of icing on my cakes, I usually stick the cake back in the freezer or fridge for just a while. This makes the icing harden a bit and then I can go back over the cake with more icing, creating a smooth surface. This method seems to help with not allowing crumbs to mix in with the icing. Due to the size of the guitar cake (which was just a tad smaller than an actual electric guitar), I was not able to chill the cake in-between. If I had the capabilities of doing so, icing the cake would go much smoother and faster! I could also stand to have a larger oven :)  but.... I LOVE my studio apartment. It's cute, cozy, and a fun little space. 

Oh, and I had a hard time trying to find something to put this big cake on.. so I ended up taking the top off my cheap coffee table and covering it with paper! It was the perfect size!


  1. Your guitar cake was amazing! I see a tv show in your future. I can't wait until my birthday...I love keyboards. hint hint :-)

  2. thank you lady! I will definitely make you a keyboard cake for your birthday! : )
