Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Day Experimenting

So I plan to make a bunch of cookies and cupcakes for Valentines Day and sell them to my friends. I was anxious to start baking AND trying to avoid homework, so a week ahead I did some experimenting. I wanted to make sure I had a good sugar cookie recipe and just try out a few things. I think I will make more of these come Valentines day, and sell them individually. I will also be making sugar cookies with frosting and sell them by the half dozen. I plan on making some adorable cupcakes also! I can't wait!

I should add - I haven't been feeling the greatest lately.  I think my love for sweets has finally had an effect on me. ? I've been having to really watch what I eat. I've been eating fruits and veggies, mmmmmm Corn on the cob is so amazing. But anyway, I haven't really been eating any sweets, besides this last bunch of baked goods, which I just had to try ONE bite to test. Even though I haven't been eating sweets, I CANT STOP FROM BAKING. So... uh, I keep filling my freezer, and bringing treats to my neighbors :)

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