Monday, March 8, 2010

Allergy Friendly (Corn Free, Peanut Free) - Rice Krispie Treats

Normal people have allergies. It's amazing how common food allergies are really. 
Eh.... this video isn't that interesting.. but it makes me think!.. 
She uses some good ingredients instead of using marshmallows (consisting of corn syrup, corn starch and sometimes egg whites). 
She uses ingredients such as sunflower butter and organic brown rice, Rice Krispies cereal. Anyway, she uses a few good ingredients and has a good method of making the classic Rice Krispie treat, but it makes me think -- maybe corn syrup in rice krispies can be replaced with brown rice syrup???! I must try this little snack and I too can have what used to be an amazing treat. I bet sunflower butter is somewhat healthy for you too? hmmmm.

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