Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy busy busy month and Graduation cakes around the corner

So I've been extremely busy lately with working of course, more desserts, cheesecake, cake, random projects, ... and preparing for my brothers wedding that is in ONE week! I completed designing the programs, got 200 printed and my mother came up today to help me round corners, give them nice clean folds, punch and grommet... and now they just need to be sewn along the crease to bind them together!!

I went and met with a dietician today and learned a few interesting things that were a real eye opener and also made me learn a few things about allergy friendly baking. I learned that there are so many ingredients listed in things that are corn derived... that I didn't even know about, or take the time to consider.
The dietician gave me a print off of this-, which is interesting and makes me realize that corn exists in even MORE than I thought it did. I'll have to make sure I watch my Pure Vanilla extract.. but I usually use Rodelle's Pure Vanilla Extract which definitely does not. It's my favorite vanilla to use.. a bit spendy, but good quality. Also, baking powder usually contains corn starch. I know there is a brand that uses potato starch.. but I can't have that either. I'll have to see if I can find something else. The dietician also explained that Lecithin, which is often in chocolate... etc... is often either egg or soy. So that is something to stay away from. Bye bye Dove dark chocolate :(

I have a lot more notes that are very interesting, stuff that I haven't come across yet in my researching...  I will update this post soon with the rest of the information I have. But for now.. I need to clean my apartment and then sit and RELAX. I need to chill before I exhaust myself before the wedding!

After the wedding I have 3 graduation cakes and a cheesecake lined up!

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