Saturday, November 21, 2009

Allergy Free Tips/Recipes/etc.

So I recently mentioned an article from this archive, but the rest of the site is very helpful and has many recipes to try. Read the About Me section on Particia Biesen, Chicago Eats Allergy Free . Her story made me feel a bit better about myself and helps inspire me even more. It is nice to know their are others that are in the same boat or have gone through the same thing and really used the opportunity to help others and make something positive out of the situation.

Why so many children with food allergies?  This is an interesting topic. How she mentions eating the same things every day may be a reason one would develop an allergy to that food makes sense. She says she ate oatmeal and bananas for years until she discovered she was allergic to both. It's like the body eventually says "enough" after years of consuming it. Which is similar to my allergies. Plus, if you are allergic to something, the more you are exposed, the worse the allergy will become. I used to loveee potatoes. Ate them practically every day.. along with egg products (many cookies, cake, and egg sandwiches). I was a sucker for baked goods. So maybe years of always eating these items, and continuously being exposed to these specific foods, suddenly my body had enough. Suddenly all of these allergens have become a problem all at once, after years of not really having any problems. I have to change my lifestyle.. but it's only making me stronger and healthier. And I know there are others who have dealt with the same difficulties and grown.

"I started out in life as a visual artist and then one day I was tested for food allergies. I had to use my creativity in order to well . . . eat . . . and now I'm hooked. I love the creativity of food. Food is similar to art with its shapes, color and textures. I love the challenge of finding foods that are yummy but also allergy safe." Patricia Biesen, PAC Consultant, on a continuous quest to find allergy free foods that ACTUALLY taste good.

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